Store Policy


1. By purchasing at you agree to be bound by the terms of this Store Policy, Shipping Policy, and Return Policy. For your security, any and all orders deemed suspicious for any reason are subject to ID verification.

2. Due to our Same-Day shipping policy, once your order is placed it cannot be changed, corrected, or cancelled. Please ensure all items in your shopping cart are correct before submitting your order. Please note: Our lashes run longer than most false eyelash companies because we carry a much, MUCH larger range and we specialize in stage lashes for dancers/showgirls/theater. We strongly recommend XShort and Short lashes for first-time customers and personal (non-professional) users unfamiliar with our brand.

3. We process and ship immediately (same day shipping available if you order before noon Pacific Time), but we do not guarantee the delivery date. Once your merchandise leaves our warehouse, we cannot be held responsible/liable. If you have any problems (e.g., delay, damage, or loss of merchandise), please state your claim immediately to the carrier (USPS/UPS) with the tracking number that we provide you on your order status. It is the customer's sole responsibility to provide accurate/adequate billing & shipping information at checkout and pick up delivered packages in a timely manner. Packages that must be re-shipped due to incorrect/unknown/undeliverable address, failure to pick up, or any other reason will be charged a re-shipping fee and re-shipped immediately upon receipt of re-shipping fee and correct/complete address.

4. Flat-fare shipping rate is based on the weight of eyelash products. Therefore, because of excessive weight, adhesive/remover purchases with either fewer or no lash purchases will be billed freight according to total package weight. Free Shipping is not applicable to glue/adhesive-only orders. 

5. Please note, your order/payment may be refused/denied or returned with a refund (less 8% transaction fee + shipping) for any of the following reasons:

- Shipping address/payment mistakes (also, if customer requests refund after providing incorrect address resulting in packages being sent back to us)

- If customer fails to claim packages in a timely manner

If freight charge for adhesive/remover only purchases is not paid within 3 days of billing.